A Note to Our Readers: Travel From Wherever You Are


Dear readers,

We at Air Canada enRoute have been asking ourselves: Has travel ever been more important than right now?

And so we are working harder than ever to bring you more Stories That Travel – articles that explore the people and places of this planet – right here on our web and social channels. We’re still “out there” tracking down unexpected views of the world – from travelling the planet using Google Street View to sharing some of cookbook author Alison Roman’s favourite souvenirs – and digging up stories from our archive that will transport you, at least in spirit.

As Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques said in a recent interview with us, “for the moment, I can close my eyes and travel in my imagination.”

We are doing all of this with a focus on humanity and connection, hoping to bring some solidarity and stimulation – and that soaring feeling that comes with discovering something new – at least until we get back the ability to physically explore. We look forward to that day.

Yours at a distance,

P.S. Email me at info@aircanadaenroute.com with any feedback, thoughts or story ideas. And if you’re missing the print edition, check out our digital issues online!